Why a One Plane Golf Swing is Best for Beginners

What is a One-Plane Golf Swing

Before we can learn how to properly execute a one-plane golf swing, let’s first look at exactly what a one plane swing is and what distinguishes it from a two-plane golf swing. The easiest way to distinguish a one plane from a two plane golf swing is that during a one-plane golf swing the golfer swings the club forward (the downswing) on the same invisible path in mid-air (the swing plane) on which he or she drew the club back (the backswing). At the top of a one plane swing the golfers left shoulder (for right-handed golfers) should be directly in line with the shoulders.

Another way to envision this type of golf swing is that an invisible line is drawn in mid-air by the club head during the backswing and that this same line is followed or traced during the downswing. During a two-plane swing this invisible line would not be traced or followed exactly during the downswing. Some golf instructors use the concept of a plane of glass bisecting the golfers body and the golfers arms resting on this plane of glass during,both, the backswing and the downswing, as shown in the bottom image to the left.

How to Execute a One Plane Golf Swing

In order to execute a one plane golf swing, the golfer should begin by facing the ball with his or her knees slightly bent and the club face positioned squarely towards the ball. The reason for this club head position is because this is exactly the position in which the club face should impact the ball. To achieve this, it is necessary to get the clubhead back to this same position at the end of the swing (when it also has momentum)! Begin a one-plane swing by rotating the hips away from the ball. This movement will draw the clubhead up and back and is the ideal way to begin your backswing.

As the backswing progresses, keep your right arm (for right handed golfers) close to your torso. This will help maintain a consistent swing plane. Continue to rotate your hips and shoulders away from the ball – all the while keeping your head down and eye on the ball – until your body is coiled like a spring. When you cannot rotate any more, this is the top of your backswing. Now simply ‘unwind’ your body, initiating this move by rotating your hips in the opposite direction. Keep your right arm against your torso during the downswing in order to maintain the one plane golf swing. If executed correctly and you have kept your head down and eye on the ball, the clubface should impact the ball squarely and the clubhead should be in the same position it was at address. Keeping the right arm close to the body is the key to executing the one plane golf swing consistently.

Why a One Plane Golf Swing is Best for Beginners

First off, think back to the description of a one plane swing versus a two plane swing that was discussed at the beginning of this article. During a one plane swing, there should be no movement of the arms up or down either above or below this invisible plane that was outlined during the backswing. As a result, when employing a one-plane swing it is much easier to return the club head back to its original position. The one plane swing is more efficient (i.e. doesn’t lose energy) between the backswing and downswing because of vertical arm movement. This allows even a beginning golfer to generate more clubhead speed and deliver more power to the golf ball at impact. This is why this type of golf swing is the one taught in the Free Full Swing DVD that you get when you sign up for the PurePoint Golf Training Program and eBook, Full Swing Fundamentals to help beginner to intermediate golfers learn to hit their drivers more consistently, as well as to add distance.

So, to sum it all up, a one-plane swing accomplishes each of the following aspects of a successful golf swing:

-Provides maximum efficiency (no vertical arm movement)
Club released at apex of downswing (generates maximum power)
Club head returns to the optimal squared position at impact (that’s what makes the ball go straight!).

So, not only is the one plane swing the best golf swing for beginners like us, it is the swing that many touring pros now use because it is so effective!

I hope you found this article useful and that it inspires you to take another look at your swing during the ‘off season.’ If you would like some more information, a Free DVD and Free Membership in the PurePoint Golf Apprentice Program, check out the eBook that goes into a lot more detail about the one-plane golf swing than I can in one article.

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